The Latte Factor

I believe it would be hard pressed to find someone reading this who has not heard of the latte factor.  When author, David Bach’s new book went on sale I decided to purchase this it, and I would highly recommend reading this book. It is a quick read and only took me a few hours.  This is not a book about cutting things in your life in order to save for your retirement, my take was that it was to truly understand the tradeoffs we all make, in which we sacrifice the future for the present. 

I have found that I have many latte factors, and there are many of these that I choose not to cut, but there are a few that I know I need to cut as the present benefit does not outweigh the future cost. So, my $9.93 mocha madness shake with a shot of espresso is gone.1 5 years of these only weekly will cost me $11,781.90.  What is your latte factor?  Run your latter factor on David Bach’s calculator  and understand the true cost and make a financially educated choice today.