Did you struggle last year tracking your finances? If so personal finance software may be the option for you for 2021. Personal finance tracking software can help you master tracking your expenses and income, while others can help with investment portfolio management. There are many options on the market but we find that our clients usually fall into a few categories, which in turn allows them to determine which software is better for their financial tracking needs.


Quicken is one of the most established personal finance software on the market. This software provides users the ability to create budgets and create debt tracking plans. In addition, users are about to manipulate data and export it to excel. Quicken has different plans for varying users. Quicken is in our opinion, the best for overall personal finance software if you are not sure what your utilization will be.


If you are looking for budgeting software for income and expenses Mint is your answer. It is by far one of the most popular budgeting and expense tracking tools to date. Mint allows you to electronically import all your bank and credit card transactions so that you may analyze your spending. You can create categories and set alerts to help you keep track of your spending budget. In addition, the software provides real-time information to you on your iOS and Android device.

Personal Capital

If you are a person who would like more investment advice along with budget tracking then Personal Capital has great personal finance software for you. Personal Capital allows you to integrate all your bank account, debts, credit cards, and investments to provide you a complete financial picture. You can utilize this software to determine if you are on track with your investment or retirement goals. The base software is free and easy to use, but if you need personalized advice there is a charge.

Not sure what software is right for you. Contact us today as we would love to assist you.