Love your Money. That is not a saying that we here often. With the passing of Valentine’s day, I would like to discuss a related topic that is usually uncomfortable to talk about. The love of money. The type of love that I am talking about is not the love of what money is, but rather the love of what money can do. In order to understand what our money can do, we must first understand what money actually is. According to Investopedia money is a medium of exchange that provides transferability. You can choose to assign the value of your money by the goods and services that you choose to purchase. Ever want to really understand who a person is. Look at their bank statements and see where their true love goes.

There are many individuals who do possess a healthy relationship with money. They choose to live their lives by their values and ensure that they purpose their money to align accordingly. In addition, there are also individuals who have very unhealthy relationships with money. They use it as a tool for destruction, deceit, or to brag or be boastful. As you have heard money only compounds the individual that you truly are.

I believe that most of you reading this are kind individuals that want your money to improve our society. Today I challenge you to look at your credit card and banking statements and truly love your money. Review your transactions and determine what your true motivations are. If you donate to a local youth group the benefits the underprivileged, love the fact that the “money” you provided can benefit someone in great need. Find solace knowing that you can love money, not for what it is, but what your money can do for others,