For many individuals finding the means in their budget in which they can save for retirement seems unattainable. Status quo states that individuals should be putting away 15% for retirement.  The figure seems unattainable to most individuals, and they feel as if they are never going to be in the financial position to save for retirement.  After conducting financial counseling with numerous individuals, I am here to tell you that it is not impossible.  Starting out with the smallest savings for retirement can lead to huge gains in the end. By doing this one simple thing it will put your retirement savings into motion. What I would like you to do every morning that you go to work, is to work the first hour for you.  That’s right, work and have your hard-earned money go to you, not the government, not taxes, just you and your future. To start this what I would like you to do is contribute (save) your first hourly wage of work every day.  Let’s say you make $12.00.  Well then transfer $12.00 the moment you complete your first hour of work into a savings account. Only do this on days you work.  At the end of the week make your contribution for the amount you have swept into your savings account into an IRA. Enjoy your first hour of work as it is actually work you are doing for you.