Maybe it is time to change your money mindset.  I highly recommend the personal finance book, buy the Marie Cando of finance, Ken Honda.  Some much of personal finance is…wait for it Personal!  Many of us, including me, have learned behaviors regarding finances from our family, friends, and general cultural upbringing.  What if you had a mind shift paradox, broke away from preconceived notions, and started appreciating money for the things it can do.  Be appreciative that you can pay your light bill, pay the rent, and buy necessities.  One if the shifts that I have decided to take was to be happy that I live in the United States, where though I do not agree with how the government is wasteful in utilizing my tax dollars, I am appreciative to pay my taxes as I do love traveling on I-65, having a Volunteer based military, and helping individuals in need.  So, what is your money mindset?  Is it time for a money mind shift makeover?  I challenge you as I did myself to try this money mind shift of gratitude and happiness. Would you like to read more about Happy Money?  Check out these 10 powerful happy money lessons at