Taxpayer privacy isn’t just a right – it’s the law

Taxpayer privacy isn’t just a right – it’s the law

Protecting taxpayer privacy is priority at the IRS. The right to privacy is one of 10 rights the Taxpayer Bill of Rights gives all taxpayers. Taxpayers have the right to expect that any IRS inquiry, examination or enforcement action will comply with the...

Stay on top of your taxes

Stay on top of your taxes

The next tax season seems far away, but this is actually the perfect time for taxpayers to review their withholding and estimated tax payments. Because federal taxes are pay-as-you-go, it’s important for taxpayers to withhold enough from their...

Business Advertising and Marketing Expenses

Business Advertising and Marketing Expenses

The tax law allows businesses to deduct expenses that help them bring in new customers and keep existing ones. These costs may include expenses for advertising and marketing. Here are some details about this valuable tax deduction that can help small businesses save...

Benefits of Outsourcing Bookkeeping

Benefits of Outsourcing Bookkeeping

Outsourcing your small business bookkeeping has never been more simple or accessible as it is today. The expansion of online technology and cloud computing has changed the way that we all conduct business. Do you find yourself behind on your Bookkeeping? If so, it is...

Master Keeping Track of Your Receipts.

Master Keeping Track of Your Receipts.

Quickly File Your Receipts They come in many forms these days via email, paper print out and texts. Therefore, something you should get into the habit of doing is recording your receipts as soon as you possibly can. Put aside time during the day (or week at the...

Your Bookkeeper Can Take Your Financial Blindfold Off

Your Bookkeeper Can Take Your Financial Blindfold Off

Do you feel as if you are wearing a financial blindfold while running your business? If so, a bookkeeper with a solid system can take your blindfold off. A proper bookkeeper will help you see the financial state of your business. Without accurate financial information...

Simple Bookkeeping Tips for Freelancers

Simple Bookkeeping Tips for Freelancers

Many freelances have multiple tasks to handle at the same time which leaves little time for bookkeeping. However, proper bookkeeping will assist you in tracking invoices and collecting payments from clients. In addition, this will ensure proper cash-flow management....

Why Your Small Business Can’t Afford Bad Bookkeeping?

Why Your Small Business Can’t Afford Bad Bookkeeping?

As a business owner, you are in charge of every aspect right from budgeting to marketing, customer service, and accounting. Bookkeeping is an essential component that enables you to track income and business expenses, which demonstrates profitability. If you have...

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