Many individuals have asked me what my favorite investment is. Though you may be thinking it has to do with mutual funds or stocks, it is not. I am considering an early adopter of many things. From technology to new workout classes I am usually the first one to try, and then my friends follow suit based on my recommendations. One of the favorite investments that I made was not financial but was for my health. I decided a while back to purchase a Peleton bike, and it by far is my favorite investment to date!

I was actively engaged with a gym I did love.  Over time I found it increasingly more difficult every day to make it to a scheduled spin class due to the times they were offered. In addition, when I went to classes I felt it hard to focus due to many “wooers’ in the class. Please be advised I am not against these individuals. I just am not, nor will ever be a wooer. This coupled with drive times, parking, and a list of other frustrations stopped me from participating in my own health.

I needed to do something for my health so after careful research, I decided to purchase a Peleton. It truly has been my favorite investment. I will state this bike is not cheap, and there is a monthly subscription fee. I analyzed the costs of the Peleton compared to my gym membership and discovered that there were a cost-savings achieved.  To perform this analysis I utilized gas, depreciation, time, and above all, a weighted factor assigned to my health.  Making the investment to purchase the Peleton seemed like a win-win.

Let your favorite investment this upcoming year be an investment in your health. Whether it is a Peleton, a rowing class, or a gym membership. Give the financial gift to yourself that truly can provide you a positive return. Not sure if you can afford this purchase, please read Small Changes for Big Rewards and start strategizing to reach whatever your savings goal to make this purchase is today. I hope to see you all happy and healthy in the New Year!