white pumpkin with black, white, and pink details

Financial Thankfulness is not a thing that most of us are actively thinking about during this holiday season. There are many times I have met with individuals that have fallen on hard financial times. These individuals feel they are falling behind in their retirement savings compared to their peers They are not gaining the financial tracking that they desire. Continually focusing on past financial mistakes and missteps that they took years ago. Instead of focusing on the past I encourage them to have an attitude of gratitude.

An attitude of gratitude is such a basic concept and something that we all should practice. It is imperative for our health that we do celebrate, and are grateful for our financial wins. Financial thankfulness is a mindset that should be practiced daily. Instead of comparing ourselves to our co-workers who are putting 15% into their retirement, let’s celebrate that you put 5% in this year. Let’s reframe our thought process and celebrate that our car maybe 8 years old, but unlike our neighbors who leased a new Tesla we have no car payment. Ther are so many ways in which making a mental shift can fully change the way in which we perceive our finances.

If you feel this was not your year financially do not get discouraged. Cultivate contentment through thought. Tomorrow can be the first day changing your financial future. Take time during the upcoming months and reflect upon the things that did make financial progress on. Utilize an attitude of gratitude. Did you increase your savings rate by 1% this year? Did you reduce your spending by 5%? Do you pay all your bills on time? All these small financial gains should be celebrated. This holiday season I challenge all of you to focus on financial thankfulness. Happy Holidays!